The hopper for the Malkönig Vario is quite big - no wonder, it is ment to be used with a full package of coffee at once. But if you like to single dose grind your coffee, you "waste" a lot of space.
So I came up with the idea to 3D print a new single dosing hopper. First, some CAD (FreeCAD Drawing):
Then some 3D printing:
And finally putting it on the machine:
I have this hopper now for almost a year, and my résumé is, that it works but the notches are not very stable. The hopper tends to turn itself out of the locked position, thus not touching the microswitch anymore. Maybe this can be solved by oversizing the notches in the beginning or with some superglue to add some material at places where it was removed.
The hopper is still very large for single dosing. So you could try to make it even smaller. But sometimes I need to grind more than just 18g, thus it's good to have some room. And in any case, I still have the original hopper.